Chaplain 4th Class.
His father’s funeral in 1912 was attended by his four sons, Leslie, Stanley, Clifford and Herbert, a former Presbyterian Minister in West Perth. In 1912, Revd. Herbert Burridge Jnr was well established at St Pauls Church Invercargill, New Zealand. With the outbreak of War in August 1914, Herbert was accepted as a Chaplain 4th Class and served with the New Zealanders at Gallipoli. In September 1915, he was on board the converted liner B11 Southland (formerly the SS Vaderland that had operated the route from Antwerp to New York). The Southland was crossing the Aegean Sea with an estimated 700 passengers when it was torpedoed by a German submarine. Fortunately, it was beached with fewer than 100 dead. Harold Burridge wrote a report on the event that was published in The West Australian 22 December 1915, p.2.