Born at Everton, Liverpool, England, Wesleyan. Enlisted 23 October 1915 age 21, teamster. Nok aunt, Mrs Florence Brown of Buckland Hill Cottesloe Beach. Embarked at Fremantle 16 May 1916 per Surada to Moascar. Served most of the war in the Middle East. RTA 1917 for six months rest when his address in September 1917 was Broome St, Cottesloe. A letter on file from Charles’ father, Reginald Disley, is a complaint that his sister Florence and not he, the father, was given as the next of kin, especially, he wrote, father and son were the best of mates. He also pointed out an error in the name being Disley and not Desley. Service medals:1914-1915 Star, BWM and VM.