honor role

Medcalf, Ferdinand George

** DSO 1048 Capt. 11th Bn. 3rd Brigade.

(On the official embarkation list as Metcalf) Born at Sydney, NSW, Methodist. Enlisted 6 October 1914 age 25, surveyor. Nok father, F.T.J. Medcalf of Mann St, Cottesloe. Embarked at Fremantle 2 November 1914 per A11 Ascanius. When serving in France he was awarded a Distinguished Service Order and the citation reads: ‘His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve the appointment of the undermentioned officer to be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order in recognition of his gallantry and devotion to duty in the field, to Captain Ferdinand George Medcalf for conspicuous gallantry when in leading his Company in the attack, he put the crew of a hostile machine gun out of action with a bomb and captured the gun. He showed unfailing courage and resource in holding the captured ground when wounded in three places and unable to walk he ordered stretcher bearers to take up a seriously wounded man and to leave him to the rear.’  No. 184 December 1916. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette. Service medals and award: DSO, 1914-1915 Star, BWM and VM.