honor role

Stevenson, Thomas Dunlop

** MC Lieut 5th Pioneer Bn.

Born at Crossburn Troon, Scotland, Presbyterian. Enlisted 19 January 1916 age 28, engineer. Nok mother, Mary Dunlop Stevenson at Troon, Scotland. His mailing address is given as Laxey Glen, John St, Cottesloe.  He was commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant on 26 June 1916 and embarked at Fremantle per A16 Port Melbourne on 30 October 1916. In France in March 1917 he received a slight gunshot wound. In September 1918 awarded the Military Cross. Granted leave in 1919 to study Concrete Construction. RTA per Morea October 1919.  Service medals and award: MC, BWM and VM. Citation: ‘Near Morlancourt on the night of 29th/30th July 1918 Lieut. Stevenson was detailed at short notice to take two platoons and complete a tap which had started the previous night. Although he had not made any previous reconnaissance, he successfully taped out the trench under heavy shell fire and put the men to the work. The enemy shelling was very severe, and on one occasion, necessitated the removal of the men. Lieutenant Stevenson’s courage and his encouragement of the men under most difficult circumstances enabled the men to carry out the very large task which each had been allotted. The work was successfully completed that night with very few casualties.’ Cottesloe and district Honour Rolls.