Born at Yarmouth, Norfolk, England CoE. Enlisted 20 July 1915, age 23, timber worker. Nok father, John Edward Symonds (Senior) of Coogee, Fremantle. Embarked at Fremantle 1 October 1915 per A20 Hororata. Served in Egypt 1916 and in France 1916-1917 where he was shot in the hand and face on 12 August 1916. He returned to duty and was reported missing on 11 April 1917 after the Battle at Reincourt. It was later confirmed he was wounded in the knee and taken a prisoner of the Germans. RTA February 1919 per A11 Ascanius. Service medals: 1914-1915 Star, BWM and VM. Possibly the Symonds J. on the Cottesloe School Honour Roll.